Career & Transition

Few of us have - or want - a linear career any more. Instead, we’re on a more zig-zag journey. We still need to know how to get from A to B; but also how to adapt and change direction. That’s where the Change Coach comes in.

I work with my clients during times of change: helping them understand what they want and how to get it, supporting them to make change happen, and work with them to make the transition a success.

Drawing on cognitive and behavioural change theory, my approach is challenging, supportive and practical.

My approach


Ready to make a change but not sure how to make it happen, or which direction to take? Or maybe the risk feels too high, or the effort too great? Understanding what's holding you back, and working to overcome it is at the heart of my approach.

Really, what do you care about? Understanding your values and motivations is essential to knowing what will make you feel happy and fulfilled. Once you're clear on these, we'll look at all your avenues of opportunity, and prepare you to take control of your future.

Knowing where you want to be isn’t the same as knowing how to get there. Together we'll work together on the crunchy practical stuff needed to make change happen; including capturing "Brand You", CV writing, interview practice, and negotiation skills.


How do we start?
We will kick off with a
free phone consultation

How long do sessions last?
Sessions last around 90 minutes and programmes can be short and intense or longer lasting, depending on your needs and situation.

How do we meet?
Coaching is online and/or face to face in central London.

How much does it cost
Pricing is flexible – get in touch to discuss.

Book a consultation today